
Teeth scaling

Teeth Scaling and polishing Services in Nagpur

Teeth scaling

Teeth Scaling is a part of the oral hygiene regime and involves the removal of dental plaque and tartar from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Teeth Scaling and polishing Services in Nagpur at Smilenglamour Clinic can help one to keep the teeth clean, thus removing stains and calculus buildup. This procedure will help you improve your oral health.

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Teeth scaling involves the removal of plaque (a soft, sticky, bacterial biofilm) and tartar (calculus) deposits from the surface of teeth that form overdue time owing to poor oral hygiene, faulty tooth brushing technique, etc. Stains on teeth can be in form of white streaks or yellow tints or brown spots, which can be removed with the help of the scaling procedure. Teeth scaling is the dental treatment process where the teeth are cleaned to give a whiter shine on them. During this treatment, there is the removal of the bacterial layer, plaque, and tartar from the teeth surface. This treatment can improve the quality of your smile nicely. The teeth scaling cost in India is much lesser compared to other treatments. However, this treatment can improve the quality of your smile.

Our teeth are continually covered in saliva which contains calcium and other substances which help strengthen and protect the teeth. While this is a good thing, it also means that we tend to be prone to build-up of calcium deposits over the teeth.


This pale substance will eventually settle over time, analogous to limescale in a pipe or kettle. Tooth-colored tartar may easily be mistaken as part of the teeth, but it also can be discolored and vary from brown to black. Accumulation of plaque or tartar can create favorable conditions for the oral bacteria to thrive.


The aim of the scaling and polishing treatment is to leave the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to adhere. This way, you can have a better way of keeping your teeth clean during your regular home care routine!


Teeth Scaling
Tooth discoloration or staining is definitely a cosmetic problem. For such problems, it is necessary to visit a dentist at Sabka Dentist for the treatment if you’re unhappy with how your teeth look. Teeth scaling treatment take place when you start noticing stain or any color change in your teeth that starts developing. Once you notice such changes it is recommended to visit a dentist. No special tests are needed in this treatment. A dental professional at Sabka dentist will diagnose tooth discoloration by examining your teeth.
Scaling and Root Planing
Dental scaling can be awkward, especially on the off chance that you have delicate gums. Your dental specialist may offer anesthesia to numb your gum tissue and make the strategy progressively agreeable. Talk with your dental consideration supplier about your choices for desensitizing the zone in case you’re worried about pain or distress during the procedure.
Dental scaling can take a few visits, everyone tending to an alternate part of the mouth. A few dental specialists partition the mouth into four quadrants, while others will perform dental scaling in two parts. In case you’re anxious about the procedure, inquire as to whether you can plan your scaling for a solitary visit. In spite of the fact that this isn’t a possibility for all cases, it might be accessible on the off chance that you have just moderate gum ailment and are happy to sit for a long method.
Our dental professional will explain what work is going to be done, why it’s going to be done, and why your teeth may be sensitive or why your gums are bleeding. One can ask for a mirror or an intra-oral camera (a more hi-tech version of the mirror) which can help you to watch your dentist working and understand what’s being done to your teeth. You can see your dentist scraping tartar from your back molars so you can follow up with proper brushing and flossing at home. Your dentist will give you an updated primer on proper brushing and flossing technique. Follow the routine every day once dental scaling treatment is done. Use the opportunity at Sabka Dentist to get a full demo of what care you should be taking at home to keep your mouth disease-free and healthy. Dental scaling may be done with either manual hand instruments or ultrasonic instruments or both. Next, an ultrasonic scaling device may be used to eliminate the plaque bacteria and remnants with sonic vibrations. The ultrasonic scaling device removes tartar (calculus), plaque and biofilm from the tooth surface and beneath the gum line. A manual instrument may or may not be used next to remove the remainder.

After your treatment is done, some everyday routines can allow continuing to maintain the hygiene. Brushing teeth after every meal will help to prevent stains. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking any beverage or any other drindrinkks to avoid the yellowness of teeth.

Regular scaling done biannually at Smilenglamour will help to get rid of the deposits. If one’s teeth are sensitive before or after the professional scaling, it may be suggested to use a desensitizing paste to relieve sensitivity.

Dental scaling and root planing may take two to four visits based upon the extent of oral disease in the mouth. If one has periodontal disease, dental scaling and root planning will be completed first and then periodontal surgery will be conducted thereafter.

Root planning may further involve detailed scaling of the root surface to reduce inflammation of the gum tissue. The dentist will scale the root surface to smooth out rough target areas, thus eliminating plaque and biofilm development.

Teeth Scaling

Most people find that dental scaling is a painless procedure, and may find the sensations( tickling vibrations, the cooling mist of water, and the feeling of pressure during scraping ) do not cause discomfort. A lot of people even say that they enjoy dental scaling, especially the lovely smooth feel of their teeth afterward!


Be sure to let your dentist know if you find things are getting too uncomfortable for your liking. They can recommend various options to make the scaling more comfortable to you.


Be sure to provide your dental professional with total health history before he or she performs a scaling and root planing procedure. This procedure has a slight probability of introducing bacteria into the bloodstream, so precautions may need to be taken to treat gum disease in people who are at higher risk for infections, such as those with cardiac problems, liver disease or a compromised immune system due to an illness, such as HIV.

Check the Price list of Dental Treatments of Smilenglamour.

The essential option in contrast to this treatment is to have a do-it-without anyone else’s help teeth cleaning methodology at home. These can include normal brushing, flossing, and utilizing mouthwash to keep up great oral cleanliness.


In any case, in the present-day way of life, we will in general disregard these the majority of the occasions. Hence, teeth cleaning treatment is fitting to have routinely. It will also reduce teeth scaling cost and save more money.

Teeth scaling and root planning are viewed as the best quality level treatment for ceaseless periodontal sickness. By decreasing the pockets that create between your teeth and gums through dental scaling and root planning, you will lessen your danger of encountering tooth, bone, and tissue misfortune related with incessant periodontal ailment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The false common misconception about teeth scaling is that teeth become weak and mobile after scaling. Dental scaling does not really weaken the teeth. The reason one might think so is because the hard calculus buildup temporarily cements the teeth together. Scaling removes this calculus and thus the mobility sets in. Hence, scaling does not cause mobility of teeth, but it is the calculus buildup over prolonged period of time that has damaged bone that makes the teeth loose.
  • In some patient cases, gaps between teeth may become filled by tooth-colored calculus. On removal of this calculus buildup, the patient may falsely believe that this gap has been produced by scaling.
  • Scaling exposes the part of the tooth that was previously concealed by scaling to the oral environment, thus leading to transient hypersensitivity. However, this sensitivity may vanish in a day or two and can be treated with sensitivity toothpaste.
Be rest assured that scaling does not weaken but rather strengthen teeth!

Teeth scaling is certainly good for the teeth it can clean the teeth and give a whiter shine on them. However, for a few days, it can cause a little sensitivity in the teeth and there will be some restrictions on eating food.

Smilenglamour provides teeth scaling treatment at very affordable teeth scaling cost in India. They have dental experts who can treat complex situations to give a whiter shine to teeth to improve the smile.

It is recommended that children and adults should receive professional teeth scaling twice in a year. However, patients with a history of periodontal disease or another recurring oral disease may require more frequent visits.

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that constantly keeps forming on teeth surface and along the gum line. This plaque contains bacteria that can cause cavities and gum disease. If plaque is not removed by proper brushing and flossing, it can mineralize and harden into tartar/ calculus.

Most teeth scaling sessions last between 30 minutes to an hour on average, and are performed in a lying position in a comfortable dental chair.


The process of removing tartar is called scaling. During scaling procedure, the dentist may use instruments such as manual hand scalers or ultrasonic scalers to remove tartar from teeth above and below the gumline.

If not removed, plaque can produce an acidic oral environment that breaks down tooth enamel, causing decay. Long standing plaque and calculus buildup can result in gingivitis and eventually periodontitis.

No. Scaling of Teeth does not hurt. However, there may be slight discomfort around the teeth. Slight sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet stimulus may be experienced for few days

In Gingivitis, the gums become red, swollen and can bleed easily. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that can usually be reversed with daily brushing and flossing, and regular teeth scaling by a dentist.


However, Periodontitis is the advanced stage of gum disease that follows Gingivitis. Periodontitis involves bone loss and gum recession and it is irreversible.

Bad breath is due to biofilm on the tongue, below the gum line, and in the pockets created by gum disease. Bad breath occurs as a result of the breakdown of proteins in biofilm into individual amino acids and volatile sulfur compounds. Teeth scaling and Mouth Rinse can help to eliminate plaque and tartar biofilms.